Stonehenge Landscape ToursStonehenge is the best known of all the prehistoric monuments in the British Isles and probably also in Europe. Along with the Neolithic monuments around Avebury situated 28km to the north, it forms a UNESCO recognised World Heritage Site (WHS), the parts of which are separated by the southern edge of the Marlborough Downs, Pewsey Vale and the Salisbury Plain military training area.

The Stonehenge Landscape takes in much of the World Heritage Site around the famous stone circle. The National Trust owns 830ha of land surrounding Stonehenge, and within the extended landscape around the stone circle are burial mounds and a huge ‘cursus’ enclosure.

The Stonehenge Landscape takes in the henge monument at Durrington Walls – the largest henge in Britain. Walk the ceremonial routes travelled about this extraordinary landscape in the footsteps of the builders of Stonehenge.

There are terrific views of Stonehenge from paths through the Landscape. During June and July the fields are covered with a profusion of wildflowers.

Among the area included in Stonehenge Landscape are Stonehenge Down, which features ceremonial walkway, a Bronze Age barrow cemetery, and the cursus enclosure. At King Barrow Ridge are further Bronze Age mounds, and at Normanton Down is a round barrow cemetery. Entry to Stonehenge Landscape is free, although at peak times there may be a charge at the Stonehenge car park for visitors who are not members of the National Trust or English Heritage.



Stonehenge and Avebury Stone Circle Landscape Tours:

Stonehenge Tour Guide