September 2018

Stonehenge Stone Circle News and Information

Despite the poor weather conditions visitors headed to the famous 5,000-year-old stone circle in Wiltshire in the dark to ensure they got to see the sun rise. And they made the most of one of only four public annual events that allows people to get so close to the stones.





The famous Stonehenge circle is normally roped off to the public, but special access is granted four times a year.

This is only on the mornings of the summer solstice, winter solstice, spring equinox and autumn equinox.

English Heritage has ‘managed open access’, meaning the public can stand among the stones on these days.

Anyone can turn up on the day to get close to the stones, but people are asked not to touch or climb on them.

Organisers also have a ban on bringing glass…

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Stonehenge Stone Circle News and Information

English Heritage are expected to offer a short period of access, from  first light or safe enough to enter the monument field (approximately 06.30am) until 08:30am on the 23rd September this year.

The Autumn Equinox (Mabon)
The 2018 Autumn Equinox is September 23rd at 02.54am GMT
Sunrise will be 6.55am

20170923_065801.jpgMabon is a harvest festival, the second of three, that encourages pagans to “reap what they sow,” both literally and figuratively. It is the time when night and day stand equal in duration; thus is it a time to express gratitude, complete projects and honor a moment of balance.

What is the Equinox?

The equinox is when day and night are actually the same length. It happens several days before the spring equinox, and a few days after the autumn one.

The reason day and night are only almost equal on the equinox is because the sun looks like a disk in…

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Wiltshire is surely the epicentre of oddities. From inexplicable crop circles to mysterious prehistoric sites, this quintessential slice of unspoiled Britain is one of the most baffling and interesting places on the planet.

Why do weird and wonderful patterns suddenly appear in the corn fields of our countryside? 2020 showed some very impressive formations and the summer of 2021 is expected to be even better. Are they simply an elaborate hoax or are they caused by U.F.O s, earth energies or plasma vortexes?

Crop Circle

A giant crop circle has appeared in a field next to Stonehenge, just before the Summer Solstice. (Image: Matthew Williams/SWNS)

“Explore thousands of years of mystic, historic happenings and ye olde English eccentricity”

Whoever or whatever causes them they are striking features and are well worth checking out. Wiltshire is well known for its mysterious crop circles and much mystery still remains as to why they occur and the meanings behind their complex formations. Crop circles in Wiltshire often occur around the heart of the county in and around Stonehenge and Avebury, usually first appearing in April and continuing into the summer month – dozens of geometric symbols, mandalas and beautiful patterns appear in the farmers growing crop fields each and every year.

“Our exclusive crop circle tours have been featured on Sky TV, The Times and Telegraph newspapers”

This magical landscape includes not only the majority of crop circles, but also some of England’s most remarkable ancient sacred sites. You will visit them with a an expert / entertaining guide who will share their detailed knowledge of this area.

We are now taking bookings for our exclusive crop circle tours for this summer.  Small groups so book early.  We can also arrange extra dates for private groups, ideal families and small groups.  Tours depart from London, Salisbury and Bath

Ever wanted to learn about crop circles? Or wanted to meet crop circle enthusiasts to share thoughts with? Or find out about the latest news? If so, come to the Crop Circle Exhibition & Information Centre at the brand new Honeystreet Mill Café at Honeystreet, near Alton Barnes in the Vale… We visit this exhibition on our tours
Crop Circle Exhibition & Information Centre: Click here 


The Stonehenge and Wiltshire Crop Circle Experts
Established 1995

Stonehenge Stone Circle News and Information

DJ Paul Oakenfold plays set at Stonehenge Stone Circle

The trance DJ, who has spent his summer working in Ibiza, performed his set at the World Heritage Site on Thursday – a closely guarded secret.

Just 50 people were allowed to attend the event which happened as the sun went down.

“I’m very lucky to get asked to perform and do a live show to sunset,” Oakenfold told the BBC.

Paul Oakenfold is the first DJ to play at Stonehenge - BBC Paul Oakenfold is the first DJ to play at Stonehenge – BBC

The DJ, who has previously played at venues including the Great Wall of China and Base Camp at Mount Everest, admitted there had been “a lot of preparation”.
Read the full story on the BBC website

Stonehenge was a ‘neolithic rave venue’ (Daily Mail)

Mysterious Stonehenge was a dance arena for ancient revellers listening to ‘trance-style’ music, according to one professor who is an expert in…

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